Tuesday, October 12, 2010

JAS Players

Finding God It's all about seeking and finding God. If you are willing to look then you will find God. We believe we can help in your search. Read the articles below, meditate on the content and be open-minded. Finding God is not hard. Remember - you are not alone. HOW? Article by Tom Gilbert — © LivingTheSolution.com How do you go about finding God? Start by recognizing that it is natural for all of us to wonder what the meaning of our life is. Haven't you wondered why you are here? What's it all about…the Big Picture? Did it all just happen? Some people believe that everything is basically a result of random circumstances. We're born into life and what we do with it is up to us. This presupposes that there is no design or master intelligence behind it all. Life just came into existence, starting with basic matter and evolved over eons. If so, there is no need to discover who or what is behind it all. Personally, I find this harder to conceive and believe in than a master plan. Others believe in a creative intelligent design that is more "hands off". We were created by something or someone, but that is as far as it goes. Then we are left to our own devices to do the best we can. The Creator is not personally interested in us. This is also pretty tough to accept. It means there isn't a lot of help outside of our best efforts. A Fundamental Belief We believe that deep down inside us all is the fundamental belief that there is a God. A loving, caring and deeply concerned Higher Power that wants us to know Him and turn to Him for all our needs. This belief can easily be obscured by life's struggles. Calamity, stress and self-centeredness shut us off from a relationship with God. If you've tried this way of living and found it wanting then we invite you to find the One who has all power. He will readily reveal Himself and His truth. All it takes is a willingness to believe in the possibility of a loving Creator. God comes to all who seek Him. ask, seek and knock I caution you to seek with a sincere heart. It's ok to be skeptical as long as you are willing to believe the truth when you are confronted with it. You'll benefit if you are open-minded and humble. It is not a difficult thing to see God's handiwork. In Psalm 19 David proclaimed, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard." If you are struggling in your search then try looking within. Can you find the answers and meaning for your life there? You won't when you realize you are separate from God. All you discover there, like Solomon before you, is that just filling that hole with knowledge, power, lust and pleasure is ultimately…empty! Nobody's Perfect Here's the rub: by ourselves we are incapable of being what God intends us to be. He wants us to be perfect. That's a tall order. We always miss the mark. Perfection is impossible…on our own. That is why God, in His infinite love and mercy, provided a way. As Jesus said two thousand years ago, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). I hear you crying out, "Who can be perfect?" Don't be discouraged. Of course you and I can't be perfect, not in this life. But we strive for that high ideal, focusing on Jesus Christ. He renews us in mind and spirit. We become a new creation when we believe in Him and love Him and turn to Him in all things. Eventually we will be transformed. Don't give up. The toughest thing to do is to stay on the path! When you totally surrender your own will and ask Jesus to be your personal savior then God will see you perfect in Christ. We hope that you are looking for answers. We hope you want to find out why you are here, what the purpose of life is for you. If you are even slightly interested in these things then you have a great opportunity. You can seek God. In seeking you activate the process of finding God. It all begins with you. You get to make the free choice to discover God. Throughout God's word-the Bible-are numerous references to seeking and finding God, among them 1 Chronicles 28:9; Acts 17:27; Matthew 7:7-8. One of my favorites is Jeremiah 29:13--And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart (NKJV) Because it is a free choice to choose God (or not) is why forcing it upon people is so unsuccessful. Sure, there are many examples of heavy-handed preaching. Most people are very turned off by that. Yet, if you find you are frustrated with life today we can help you in your search for meaning. Discover the plan and purpose for your life. Find what truly fills that inner need in all of us. God loves you personally. He wants you to know that and discover the meaning of life. He went so far as to come to this world in human form as Jesus to redeem and reconcile all of mankind to Him. When you do seek God with all of your heart and mind you will discover that He has been calling you. It's a great revelation to discover that your seeking is a result of God awakening you to His presence! Long before you began seeking God He was seeking you. The paradox is how finding God helps you find your true self. Are you ready to see where He is?

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