Tuesday, October 12, 2010

JAS Players

Knowing God God does not make it hard to know Him. He desires a personal relationship with each one of us. We don't mean, of course, that you can really know God – no one can truly know and comprehend Him – but that you can know of Him and know that God is real and cares about you. By "knowing" God you can discover this relationship. It includes the inspired Word, a personal Savior and a loving Spirit. THE ONE Society teaches us that we should assume responsibility for our own actions. Basically, that's true — we should be held responsible. The problem is that most of us don't know how God desires that we live. While we can and should be held accountable God doesn't make us earn salvation. As you get to know God you'll find out He's more about mercy and forgiveness than condemnation. Long ago we turned away from God. Despite our turning away God still loves us and all along had a plan to return us to Him. It's a choice God created us and gave us free will. He knew we'd use that choice to make some bad decisions, but He also knew our love for Him is worthless unless it is a free choice. Man's original decision resulted in our fallen nature. We chose to disobey God and as a result sin and death entered the world. Fortunately there is a way out: God's salvation plan. The Way Let's break it down to some simple components. * There is a defect in all of us. We are prone to sin-doing what we want (self-centeredness). Even when we want to do the right thing we often fail. We don't have the power to live right, apart from God. * God created us. He gave us the choice between good and evil, between perfect fellowship with Him and going our own way. * By ourselves we are incapable of achieving perfect fellowship with our Creator. * Jesus is the bridge. He showed us what God is like and what it means to be truly human. Because He is divine and perfect (sinless) he is able to be the way of truth and eternal life. * We get the free gift of redemption by believing in God's salvation plan. All you have to do is believe Jesus is the Christ, the eternal Lamb of God who lived and died for the love of all of us. Believe that and (important) choose to love and obey His commandments to love God with all your heart and soul and to love others in the same way Jesus loves. It's a beautiful plan, simple and elegant. It's awesome in its magnitude. It was mentioned in the Old Testament and the New. It does place a decision in your path. Once you have this knowledge you are faced with a choice. It is much like the original choice Adam and Eve faced. Are you willing to accept the free gift of salvation? If you do you will be born again and eternal life will be your reward. If you don't then eternity will result in separation from God. It's personal God wants everyone to be saved. It comes down to one person at a time. It's an individual choice. No one can make it for you. We can (and do) want it for you and the whole reason for this web site is to bring this message to others. Think about it. Open your heart and pray about it. Make a choice. If you are ready you can pray something like this: "Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for revealing the perfect love of the Father. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be." If you prayed that and were sincere then you have received Jesus Christ personally into your life. You are no longer alone and you've been reborn in Spirit. Ahead of you is a new life, full of challenge…and triumph. In order to live this life to the fullest you will need to grow in spiritual maturity. It's a Relationship What it all boils down to is not religion, per se. It's a relationship. You and God, forged through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave to bring us eternal life. Each day has real meaning as you follow Christ. You are knowing God through the Son. He leads us and He is returning on the Day that God, the Father, has determined. Jesus is coming back for us and to judge the world and all people. We urge you to discover the truth and make your choice. We are in this together. Choose God and know this new relationship. It is something wonderful and personal. The goal is to share this Good News with others. You can't keep it if you don't give it away. How you go about doing that,however, is really important. The best way to share you faith is by living it.

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